Why, when I'm here, does it suddenly erect? Oh I see, it's the Mickelino effect!


Wednesday, August 31

One more crazy evening at Galerie 88

seeing the future...

As soon as my friend H comes from New York, she spreads around her vibes of burlesque and parody into my life and I love it! We always end up at cosy "Galerie 88" on Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville and start our own little show at our end of the table. We just can't help... The good thing with that place is that the other guests never seem to care about our annoying and loud encounters. Some pictures were taken last night, but I haven't got them yet. So as a preview, you can enjoy some pictures that were taken during her latest visit in April.By the way, I highly recommend the Galerie 88, cheap, cosy, kind of oriental decor, nice and casual service and good food.

Tuesday, August 30

Il n'y a rien de mieux...

... qu'un troquet traditionnel parisien! Un de ces endroits cossus, nappes blanches amidonnées et légèrement jaunies par la fumée, ces endroits peuplés de créatures d'un autre âge qu'on appelle serveuses. Celles-ci travaillent en ces lieux depuis la nuit des temps, ont le teint blafard et les cheveux gris andouillette. L'accent titi parisien leur sort par les narines et contamine l'endroit de nasales et de fricatives. On est partagé entre haine et amusement vis-à-vis des dites Madame Francine ou Gilberte. On aurait préféré voir une jeune et dynamique Samantha mais on les respecte malgré tout et on leur accorde, un instant, un regard fasciné et bien-veillant.
La dureté de leur regard nous fait penser qu'elles ont dû en voir des vertes et des pas mûres depuis l'ouverture du troquet il y a 40 ans.
Elles ont l'haleine qui alterne entre graillon et plateau de fromages, elles sont aussi polies qu'un vieux corbeau et ça nous fait l'historique du restaurant tout en se grattant l'aisselle. Leur tablier blanc et soi-disant chic laisse dépasser leur jupon jaunâtre et leur ton très "atmosphère atmosphère" brise la séreinité de l'endroit comme un pic-à-glace dans un morceau de marbre.
Et pourtant, qu'est-ce qu'on les aime ces madames et qu'est-ce qu'on a envie de retourner au
"Boeuf Couronné", avenue Jean Jaurès dans le 19ème.

Monday, August 29

Gubbsjukekris i Paris...

Varför tycker jag plötsligt att 19-åringar är vackra och otroligt mumsiga? Är det deras mjuka hud och allt hår de har pa huvudet eller är det min gubbsjuka som träder i kraft från och med min 33-årsdag? Vad har ni för teori? hm...
Hälsningar från "Kris i Paris"

Thursday, August 25

Guest Map! Show me where you are!

It seems that 77 people have viewed my blog already! Wow!
If I consider that I must have viewed it 60 times myself and my mother about 10 times, there are about 7 other people who have viewed it but I have no idea who they are! How exciting! Please click here or on the side bar and add your "little man, woman or alien" on my guest map. Thanks

DO NOT CLICK ON THIS MAP but on the link "here" in the text above and the map will appear, add your location by
clicking on the little man and then on the country where you are! It's easy and it takes 10 seconds.

Wednesday, August 24

They talked to me!

One thing I realize after having spent 10 years abroad is that Parisians never talk to one another, well not to me anyway. Nothing in this town justifies starting a conversation. I don't know my neighbors, I've said hi to them but there is never any good reason why we should start a conversation, I've never found one anyway. I could treat my neighbors to an apéritif at my place but I fear they might either be terribly boring after 10 minutes or start snooping in my underwear drawer while I'm preparing drinks. The problem is that I'd really like to meet my neighbors, most of them are young, good-looking, have exotic last names and could be potential friends. What should I do?
Ok, well, now that I think about it, some perfect strangers have talked to me since I arrived here, but what were the occasions?
1) Quaint but dodgy little restaurant near Hôtel de Ville, 3 trendy but drunk Parisians talk to me and my friend until 3 o'clock in the morning, we decide we are friends forever and exchange telephone numbers. When I send an sms 2 days later, they have no idea who I am.
2) Dodgy bar, 2 am, Jean-Pierre, 65 years old wants me to get him a drink
3) Dodgy café, 4 pm, old woman has just been run over by a truck, the whole café is making comments.
4) Paris didn't get the Olympics, the whole café is in agreement about Englishmen being total crawlers.
5) Dodgy café, 3 am, 2 Algerians ask me if I come from Algeria and whether I've seen Abdoul or not lately.
So, I'm sure you're already drawing the following conclusion: stop spending time in dodgy places. Well, I don't think that's the problem you see.
I think the problem is that people talk to each-other only when something scary or out of the ordinary is happening. Indeed, an old woman being run over by a truck IS scary, so let's talk about it!
The other evening, my friend Bruno insisted that I learn how to roller-skate. I used squad roller skates when I was 10 and was actually pretty good at it. However I had never used those new in-lines-things that seem to have been created to make people look like recently-haemorroids-operated chickens on wheels. I kept on tripping and falling, making a perfect fool of myself. And of course, guess what, suddenly people around me felt totally comfortable making comments on my learning experience: "Ooh, first time hey?" or "Keep on rolling!" or even "Ca roule Raoul?". The only thing I could think about then was: "Why would you choose to talk to me now and NOT when I looked gorgeous in my new pair of sneakers the other day?"
Who the hell invented roller-blades? Why why why? and more importantly how did all these people in Paris become such experts at it while I can barely stand up wearing those instruments of torture?
But I have an objective (long-term): to roll on the banks of the Seine on Sundays when they close the quays for traffic. And I'll show you all what I am made of! Then I'll start talking to my fellow roller-bladers as it is so much easier to start talking to people when you have shared interests. In this mental picture I will also be 10 centimeters taller with curly hair and a great tan. But I guess, that's another long-term objective.
In the meantime, you'll find me at the dodgy café across the street, spying on my neighbors.


Wednesday, August 17

Mickelino and art? What the hell?

You had no idea but your old Mickou is an artist, an what an artist! hm... hm...
Here are a few examples of how I see the world. These drawings might make some of you worry about my mental health but those of you who know me also know my taste for exaggeration and parodies, so you may not be that shocked, just reassured about my being a total freak. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 16

... diving in the West-Indies, part 3

And the last part of my vacation:
My air-hostess sister invited me to spend a few days in Saint Martin with her. (Where the hell is Saint Martin? Sounds like some dodgy suburb outside Lille!). Well, no, Saint Martin is this tiny island in the Caribbeans between Anguila and Saint Barths (as if knowing that helped!). As I said, the island is tiny and there's absolutely nothing to do there but the French and the Dutch both thought this tiny piece of land with no natural resources whatsoever was precious enough to start a war over it. To cut a boring story short, they decided to split the island in half, the southern part belongs to the Netherlands now and the north to France. There's a little border in the middle and in spite of the size of the island, people on each side speak different languages, pay in different currencies (you must pay in old Dutch Guldens in the Dutch part!! Like hello! didn't hear about the euro?). The southern part is invaded by cruising Americans who spend money in casinos and on drugs and the north looks like my aunt Josiane's backyard with a few palm-trees and without the dwarves and the small windmills.
The ocean is blue and transparent. Sounds nice doesn't it? However, I wished it hadn't been that transparent as some ugly and scary fish swim in it too.
We took a day trip on a fancy catamaran, landed on a desert island (felt like catching fish with my teeth like in Suvivor), barbecued on the boat, chatted with the skipper (who was far less sexy than in my imagination, those of you who know the wonderful world of French music, certainly remember the singer Carlos and will get the piture) and dove among really cute fish directly taken from Nemo's world. It was all very nice until we saw it.
The shark!
Brown, long, spiky nose and bad teeth.
I swear I could hear the soundtrack of "Jaws" in the water!
My sister and I are good swimmers but slow ones too (it runs in the family). However, I bet you have never seen such quick mermaids fly above the water, jump onto the boat, crawl into the cabin and try to disppear when we saw the creature.
Carlos the skipper laughed and introduced us to Marcel. Marcel is not a shark, he is a baracuda, but a fucking big baracuda. (I hated Carlos the skipper and the food that left his mouth as he laughed). It only kills a few tourists per year he said. Oh that made me feel so much better!
No more snorkling in the water for me. That's when I started to drink on the deck and turned into a living lobster.
A few days later, our plane nearly crashed at take off. As I was travelling "stand-by" and there was no seat available for me, I had to sit in the cockpit and witnessed the whole incident.
Have you ever sat in a cockpit at take off and heard a sudden alarm as your plane is leaving the ground and the captain is yelling: We must stop everything NOW!?
That's when you realize how sweet baracudas actually are.

Right: Almost crashing at take off! Horror scene in the cockpit with fellow "stand by" passenger.


Friday, August 12

Dans la série : Le cliché le plus con de la journée :

(Entendu à 10h36 à la réception, coupable : Josiane, délit : être très conne en plus d’être très laide)

"Pourquoi partir à l’étranger alors qu’il y a vraiment tout en France ?"

Lesson of the day: Speak English the French way, make a fool of yourself but remain sexy

As you all know, we French people are not very good at English. Well, actually, English pronunciation is our worst enemy. The problem is that we’re French and we don’t give a shit about making an effort in general. Following this logic, we normally do not think it is worth pronouncing certain letters.
The English sound h does not exist in French, the letter does but not the sound. Therefore, if it isn’t pronounced in French then why bother? Indeed, you’ll hear lots of French people tell you things like: I ave a obby, I leuve orseback riding or e is andsome etc… Ok, ok, you knew that…
It becomes worse. We can’t pronounce the sound h but since we’re French and being totally inconsistent is like a second nature for us, we will tend to pronounce the English h perfectly in words which do not have the letter h in it, e.g. Hi ave ha obby, hi leuve orseback riding or e his andsome
Now you’re thinking: "but this is rather annoying, not sexy!" And I just say "Good Eavens, old you orses!”"
You may think this is annoying but it could also be really depressing! Wait until you hear the rest...
Did you say Penis?
A few weeks ago, a loud American student spent some time in Paris and decided to take lessons at the language center where I work. Despite slow progress and a major clueless attitude towards clothing, the guy was highly motivated and really excited about his learning French. Additionally, he had found a cute little apartment for a few weeks on rue de la Gaîté, near Montparnasse. In other words, he totally felt like a 21st century Hemingway but without the beard and the talent.
One evening before leaving school, he asked one of the receptionists what Gaîté meant in French. With a large smile, the very customer-oriented receptionist answered that it meant happiness. The loud American shouted "Oh my gaaaaaahd! Am I staying on a penis street"??!!!
Cross-cultural misunderstandings and clichés. Where do they all start?
Our h-less receptionist did not understand what the big deal was about and looking at the poor man’s desperate behavior, decided that all Americans were freaks.
The sad and loud American confirmed that the French were all perverts, they even call their streets like sexual organs.
The perverted receptionist felt sorry for the freak and started to pout a little.
The American thought French ladies were perverts but quite sexy, especially when they pout.

So now you know why foreigners have this love-and-hate relationship with the French, it’s all bad phonetics and a pout…

PS: Gaîté does mean happiness in French. However, one might wonder how our poor American friend could get so shocked if you consider that around 30 sex-shops are located on rue de la Gaîté…

French saying of the day: One pout a day, keeps the Americans astray.
Ave ha good week hend!

Thursday, August 11

Proverbe vietnamien du jour

"Celui qui a le coeur brisé a toujours le cul intact".

Monday, August 8

... and then we took Munich, part 2

(picture: Mattheus and I, Italian restaurant in Munich)

My friend Eric and I decided to invade our poor German friends' lives by firstly arriving 3 hours late to my other friend Mattheus' birthday party. We had had quite a few drinks on the plane and some extras on the train going downtown, so we had quite a jolly arrival and were met by our host plus several of his friends. We had a terrific night and a great weekend. We were so well taken care of despite our obnoxious attitude throughout our stay. I think I talked so much during that weekend plus uttered so much nonsense that my jaws and my brain were in pain on my way back and I genuinely felt sorry for our hosts' ears.

Our stay was varied, we were both cultural (visited the city on some funky touristy blue bus, yelling "WOW" a lot, visited some architecture exhibition at the gorgeous Museum of Modern Arts) and Sporty Spices (first ever yoga class, taught by Mattheus, never felt so sore in my whole life after that!) and sociable (met some of Mattheus and Stefan's wonderful friends, Friso, Nicholas (Friedrich), Michael and Wenzel).
That whole gang took a trip to Chiemsee on Sunday to visit Ludwig the Second's crazy copy of Versailles on a tiny island in the middle of a lake. Gee, the guy was weird! and finally we got back to Paris feeling really tired and slighly more alcoholic.

Saturday, August 6

For a few seconds, I thought she was dead... again!

For the second time in the past 5 years, I’ve had to fear for the life of my little-Air-France-air-hostess-sister.
First you hear about an Air France flight going down in Toronto. Then you ask yourself: "where did she say she'd go today?", while you’re still trying to figure this out, you feel your blood banging in you fingertips and toes and your heart ends up in your stomach area for a while. Finally you remember she had called in sick that day 'cause she'd just found out she was pregnant... again!

Friday, August 5

Henri IV, Bratwurst and Coconuts, part 1...

... could be a good summary of my recent vacation. First Coutras, then Munich and Finally the island of Saint Martin in the West Indies. But let's start from the beginning: Coutras.
No need to click on the name as there is absolutely no link to it as nothing has ever been written about this little town outside Bordeaux where my parents had the brilliant idea to buy a house 15 years ago.
I can feel through the cybersky that you are all so eager to hear about this place with a magic name. Should you ever run into a Coutrion (not very likely to happen), and ask what their village is famous for, you'd certainly get the following response : "Its microclimate, its conveniently located camping-ground and Henry the Fourth".
Some friends and I stayed at my parents' place for a couple of days, did enjoy the microclimate did some intensive dipping into the pool and skipped the conveniently located camping-ground.
One thing is sure, the sun always shines in Coutras, hence the microclimate. When I call my parents (I mean, when my parents call me), it is always at least 5 degrees warmer than in Paris

But I know you are all wondering "Why Henry the Fourth", why why Mickelino why?

Well children, here it goes.
Who was Henry the Fourth? Some ugly French king with a beard, lived like many years ago and was famous for giving free chicken to the people on Sundays and for being killed by some drunken crazy person... and for spending one night in Coutras on his way back to Paris after having fought some scary battle in Spain. The king, who was also famous for being one of the biggest drinkers of all times, is said to have nailed a couple of local women during his weekend in the area (free chicken or free chicks on Sunday, hell! what's the difference really?). After the king's little stay-over, this southern French village was never the same again.
In addition to all those short ugly men with a beard who claim to be heirs to the crown of France, several events and places have resulted from the king's night in town.
The famous yearly "Festival Henri IV" gathers all the local drunkards who will drink and nail to the health of the king. The "Place Henri IV" does not have any other function but to serve as the venue for the Festival and the "Bonbons Henri IV" which neither taste like free chicken nor chicks and last but not least the "Château Henri IV" which was never built.
Herds of tourists who' rather kill than miss this "Lieu incontournable de l'histoire de France" are said to invade the village during the festival, hence the conveniently located camping-ground.
As far as our local crown princes are concerned and as France apparently became a republic some years ago, they usually gather and drown their royal ambitions in the election of the yearly "Reine du Camping".
Well, my friends, not to worry... Coutras is conveniently located far from where you all live and it is probably better this way.


Is it supposed to be that difficult?

Am confused. Is this blog thing supposed to be that difficult? It took me another 3 hours to understand how to upload pictures... I guess I am just completely retarded. If you can see a picture next to this text, it means there's hope, if not, I AM retarded. Let's see...

Tired already!

Oh god!Finally, I have decided to create my own blog. Exciting despite the fact that I'm a bit late as usual... Took me three hours to come up with a cool address... Now I guess I'll have to find something intelligent and funny to write here... Now that I think about it, what is the objective of a blog really? To make sure my friends are keeping track of all the exciting things that are happening in my life, or is it just a way for me to believe I am so famous that I even have my own website. If it is the latter, then it would mean that I don't give a damn about who visits my blog... think I should have put a bit more thought into this project before starting it.
Tired already.