Why, when I'm here, does it suddenly erect? Oh I see, it's the Mickelino effect!


Saturday, August 19


Ok, sorry to those who knew this already, but this sentence got me thinking last night. (Don't you have anything better to do Mickelino on a Friday night?) I know I'm a pathetic geek, but here you are:
Possibly the weirdest sentence in the English language is:
“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo”.
It takes a bit to understand this, so let’s build up from simple stuff. First, suppose that dogs chase cats, who then chase mice. Another way of saying this is:
“Cats that dogs chase, chase mice”
But the comma and the word “that” aren’t technically needed, so we can say:
“Cats dogs chase chase mice”.
But cats also chase other cats, so we could say:
“Cats dogs chase chase cats”.
And they can be chased by other cats too:
“Cats cats chase chase cats”.
Step back and look at this sentence for a moment. This is the basic structure of the buffalo sentence. Let’s think about buffalo chasing other buffalo:
“Buffalo buffalo chase chase buffalo”.
Now there’s a lesser-known English verb “to buffalo” meaning “to push around”. So instead of chasing, let’s make these buffalo push each other around:
“Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo”.
Remember that this means:
“Buffalo that buffalo push around, push buffalo around”.
For the final step, let’s just talk about a particular kind of buffalo - the kind that live in the zoo in Buffalo, New York. These, of course, are Buffalo buffalo - just as the lions are Buffalo lions.
“Buffalo buffalo that Buffalo Buffalo push around, push Buffalo buffalo around”
or more properly:

“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo”.

Thank you Frog with a Blog for another great English lesson!


  • At 19/8/06, Blogger Ms Mac said…

    Hoots mon! Whaur's ma troosers?

  • At 19/8/06, Blogger cristina said…

    how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck can chuck wood? A woodchuck can chuck as much wood as a woodchuck can chuck wood!
    this might have on you the same effect as your buffalo lesson had on me! Hehe.
    yes Micke, on a friday night? :)

  • At 20/8/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    Well that was truly enriching and I never thought of it.

  • At 20/8/06, Blogger Frog with a Blog said…

    Ms. Mac, I love it when you speak Russian to me.

    Nyasha: I know a slightly different version of that one.
    "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, if a woodchuck could chuck wood."
    But you're right, it got me thinking too. Thanks, you saved another friday night.

    Babs: I'm so happy the Great Frogmeister could teach you something!

  • At 20/8/06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ah, yours is much much better! maybe i got mine wrong! in fact, i am sure i got mine wrong.
    i also like to try this other one: she sells seashells by the seashore.
    my dad loves word play like these. will tell him about the buffalo.

  • At 20/8/06, Blogger Ian Gutierrez said…

    oh my god this is so freaking hilarious!!!!!!!!
    I sent the link everywhere

    I love you frog!

  • At 20/8/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    Once again, you've educated the uneducationable! Mr. Frog meister, how witty and fun! I miss you friend, I really do.

  • At 21/8/06, Blogger Greg said…

    My brain hurts.

  • At 22/8/06, Blogger the not so "new" mom on the blog said…

    Ok, now i get it! or do i? Hi, I am back at my blog site so you are welcome to pop (hop) around for some tea!!!!

  • At 23/8/06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh, ce que tu m'amuses Frog!! :D

  • At 23/8/06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh crap... My mind's actually gone cross eyed...


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