“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo”.
It takes a bit to understand this, so let’s build up from simple stuff. First, suppose that dogs chase cats, who then chase mice. Another way of saying this is:
“Cats that dogs chase, chase mice”
But the comma and the word “that” aren’t technically needed, so we can say:
“Cats dogs chase chase mice”.
But cats also chase other cats, so we could say:
“Cats dogs chase chase cats”.
And they can be chased by other cats too:
“Cats cats chase chase cats”.
Step back and look at this sentence for a moment. This is the basic structure of the buffalo sentence. Let’s think about buffalo chasing other buffalo:
“Buffalo buffalo chase chase buffalo”.
Now there’s a lesser-known English verb “to buffalo” meaning “to push around”. So instead of chasing, let’s make these buffalo push each other around:
“Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo”.
Remember that this means:
“Buffalo that buffalo push around, push buffalo around”.
For the final step, let’s just talk about a particular kind of buffalo - the kind that live in the zoo in Buffalo, New York. These, of course, are Buffalo buffalo - just as the lions are Buffalo lions.
“Buffalo buffalo that Buffalo Buffalo push around, push Buffalo buffalo around”
or more properly:
“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo”.
Thank you Frog with a Blog for another great English lesson!
At 19/8/06, Ms Mac said…
Hoots mon! Whaur's ma troosers?
At 19/8/06, cristina said…
how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck can chuck wood? A woodchuck can chuck as much wood as a woodchuck can chuck wood!
this might have on you the same effect as your buffalo lesson had on me! Hehe.
yes Micke, on a friday night? :)
At 20/8/06, Unknown said…
Well that was truly enriching and I never thought of it.
At 20/8/06, Frog with a Blog said…
Ms. Mac, I love it when you speak Russian to me.
Nyasha: I know a slightly different version of that one.
"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, if a woodchuck could chuck wood."
But you're right, it got me thinking too. Thanks, you saved another friday night.
Babs: I'm so happy the Great Frogmeister could teach you something!
At 20/8/06, Anonymous said…
ah, yours is much much better! maybe i got mine wrong! in fact, i am sure i got mine wrong.
i also like to try this other one: she sells seashells by the seashore.
my dad loves word play like these. will tell him about the buffalo.
At 20/8/06, Ian Gutierrez said…
oh my god this is so freaking hilarious!!!!!!!!
I sent the link everywhere
I love you frog!
At 20/8/06, Unknown said…
Once again, you've educated the uneducationable! Mr. Frog meister, how witty and fun! I miss you friend, I really do.
At 21/8/06, Greg said…
My brain hurts.
At 22/8/06, the not so "new" mom on the blog said…
Ok, now i get it! or do i? Hi, I am back at my blog site so you are welcome to pop (hop) around for some tea!!!!
At 23/8/06, Anonymous said…
oh, ce que tu m'amuses Frog!! :D
At 23/8/06, Anonymous said…
Oh crap... My mind's actually gone cross eyed...
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