Why, when I'm here, does it suddenly erect? Oh I see, it's the Mickelino effect!


Monday, June 5

Introducing The Frog Family


  • At 5/6/06, Blogger cristina said…

    and who is who? i just recognise you and Fab mr. B :) Is Marsoupiote in the picture?
    well y'all look great and happy and like you are having a lot of fun hanging out together.

  • At 5/6/06, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    A lovely, and very creative family photo! I'm impressed.

  • At 5/6/06, Blogger Frog with a Blog said…

    Coffee Addict: Look how nosey YOU are now! Marsoupiote is not in the picture. By the way, what tells you Marsoupiote is one of my family members? You see me and Fav. Mr. B, my sister's in there too and her man + a lot of cousins.

    Rob: Thanks, I really like this picture too.

  • At 5/6/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    FROG, What a wonderful and festive picture. I immediately recognized you beaytiful sisiter and the Fab Mr.B. What is on the baby's face??Beautiful family. Although I live with my lil sister, we'd not even seen each other for 15 years when I came here.My family are my sons and their children and I miss them so very much. It is nice to have family there with you and for you. Life is just not right without! Kisses my Frog!!

  • At 5/6/06, Blogger rhino75 said…

    That's a GREAT photo!! Lovely.

  • At 6/6/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    Monsieur Frog, votre soeur a un tel rire dans ses yeux. J'aimerais la connaître!!

  • At 6/6/06, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    A really lovely, happy pic.

    Like Babs, I want to know what's on the baby's face?

  • At 6/6/06, Blogger cristina said…

    c'est mon petit doigt qui me le dit. But i am pretty sure that Marsoupiote is maybe a cousin? (j'sais pas....) Got it from reading your blog.

  • At 6/6/06, Blogger Frog with a Blog said…

    Thanks guys for the nice things about my folks.

    Babs, my sister is crazy and fun sometimes madder than I am, she can imitate stars like no one and she is a terrific singer. (hard to believe after the video you saw of the 2 of us singing recently)

    Babs & Nomad, you'd really like to know what's on the baby's face, but unfortunately, this will remain a secret.

    Coffee, you're close but not there yet. Ton petit doigt est assez fiable cependant. Maybe I'll reveal Marsoupiote's identity in one of my next posts, we'll see. I'll have to check with her first.

  • At 7/6/06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Family...can't live with them..can't die without them. When it works..as this photo is testament to...there's nothing sweeter. Great shot Mikeleno...great!

  • At 7/6/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    Oh, so it is a secret French ritual to smear the baby with donut icing and sprinkles before a photograph. I've seen this in the South but never France. Your sister, is intrigueing to me. You can tell she has that same,"laugh at life," thing you have. It is a wonderful thing!!

  • At 7/6/06, Blogger whatalotoffun said…

    very nice. I want to post pictures to put my damn friggin computer at work dont even have a dvd writer. Thats it I will have to get internet at home.

  • At 7/6/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    Frog, please ply your sister with good wine and talk her into doing these impersonations on camera. I would die to see it, yes I would!! Kisses!!


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