Why, when I'm here, does it suddenly erect? Oh I see, it's the Mickelino effect!


Tuesday, May 9

Tuesday's poem

is a beautiful word

So is antibiotics


  • At 10/5/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    Are you sick my lovey? Please tell me, I will blow a kiss from here to Paris!!

  • At 10/5/06, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    Asparagus really is a beautiful word, it's too bad the stuff tastes awful.

    Hope you're feeling O.K.

  • At 10/5/06, Blogger cristina said…

    roses are red
    aspargus are green
    i hate that veg
    'coz it's so obscene

  • At 10/5/06, Blogger Frog with a Blog said…

    No I'm not sick, I'm just feeling very poetic today, hence this new amazing piece of art I gave birth to... I really like the word antibiotics, it's so beautiful, I do think so, seriously.
    Coffee, your poem is great! I want more. And I want a haiku from Rob, 'cos he's the specialist. And I want it now.

  • At 10/5/06, Blogger rhino75 said…

    I prefer asparagus in French "asperge" - yummy! Antibiotics is OK but I've always been fonder of pessary. I thought I'd drop that in. :)

  • At 10/5/06, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    There was a young boy Angus
    Who gorged himself on asparagus
    It fermented like mad
    And blew him up bad
    Letting wind became positively atrocious

    A doctor was called
    Once the wonder had palled
    ‘I’ll have you right in a tick,
    Swallow this antibiotic.’
    One last blast and the winds were stalled.

  • At 10/5/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    I tried to leave you a comment earlier but some french catalog pooped up and cut my system down when I tried to close it. Anyway, I'm glad you're not sick. I love the word squeeze and wanted it tattooed on my ass but never got aroung to it(no pun intended). I wanted to tell you that my son and his hubby will be in Paris on Oct.7-14 at the hotel and I will paste the link here and you can tell me where it is and if it's nice ok! Kisses!!

  • At 11/5/06, Blogger Ms Mac said…

    I love asparagus. But the German word for it is pretty boring. Good job I sexy it all then!

  • At 11/5/06, Blogger whatalotoffun said…

    Asparagus is tastes like nothing.

  • At 11/5/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    I love asparagus will Hollandaise or just a little butter and salt, just a tad.

  • At 11/5/06, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    babs, does it make your piss (oops, I mean urine) stick like it does mine?

    You will be pleased to know I can't access your blog from the office - error message says that access is denied as it contravenes IT policies and security issues. :-)

    today's veri word: bsbiz

    babs biz = babs bitching?

  • At 12/5/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    Nomad, what in the hell are you talking about?? What, you know I was mad at you? Or are you baiting me?? Very amusing but not my doing!

  • At 12/5/06, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    No, Babs, of course you weren't mad at me - well, I hope you weren't! I was referring to the word verification thing at the bottom when you post a comment. I always like to see if it means something rather than being a meaningless string of letters.

    But what I was saying is that unlike most of the other blogs I read, I can't read yours from the office as the filter thing here blocks access to you. Which means I have to read you in the cosy privacy of my own home! :-)


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