Why, when I'm here, does it suddenly erect? Oh I see, it's the Mickelino effect!


Wednesday, May 24

Coming soon to a blog near you

Just for Babs and Whatalotoffun who've been harrassing me about desperately needing a lesson in dirty French. Before the weekend, you should be able to practice using your first dirty words in French and yell at all your frog friends in a very rude manner. Stay tune!
Picture 1: Babs looking bitchy.
Picture 2: Whatalotoffun looking sweet.


  • At 24/5/06, Blogger cristina said…

    can't wait to see what you are cooking up for us this time Frog! :)

  • At 24/5/06, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    A cauldron of filth, I bet!

  • At 25/5/06, Blogger Unknown said…

    OMG, my heart is pounding with excitement. I am so looking forward to this, you just don't know. I can cuss you in German, Italian and now French. Oh what a well rounded woman I will be! Do not take this lightly as some of us take pride in certain things. I take pride in being able to tell you to... in no uncertain terms. I just cannot wait. Oh, I may not sleep tonight. I better have another drink to lull me from my excitement. Kisses my Frog!! woohoo!!

  • At 25/5/06, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    Make sure you use the international phonetic alphabet! I want to learn too!

  • At 25/5/06, Blogger cristina said…

    next we want to have it in sign language (oh, you thought you were the only one allowed to allocate projects to other bloggers?)

  • At 25/5/06, Blogger whatalotoffun said…

    I cant wait

  • At 25/5/06, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    whatalotoffun: you need to teach him this one: 'jy is uit jou ma se hol gebore want sy poes was te besig'. Said, of course, in a regte Kapie accent. :-)

  • At 28/5/06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Anytime I see Baabs' endearing visage staring out from a blog I jump on the blogwagon..hehe..so I come by way of the Lady Baabalicious obviously. Teach her well oh learned french one.. or I shall have to tutor her 'La Belle Province's'
    bastardized version. And we wouldn't want 'Vive le Québec libre' le général truning over in his sarcophagus now would we.


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