In the Navy...
Monday morning was hair inspection, Lieutenant Imbert inspected how neatly trimmed our hair was. His thick fingers ran across the back of our necks, smoothly but firmly, occasionally pulling the extra pieces of hair that would stick out of our ears. Lieutenant Imbert looked smart in his perfectly ironed white uniform, his well defined breast-muscles would show through his extra tight jacket and the look in his eyes made even the straightest ones of us melt and turn into the biggest Falcon video fans. The mere touch of his fingers on our neck made all of our young sailors’ juices flow in a Niagara-like waterfall of body fluids.
To be continued
At 16/1/06, Rob7534 said…
I want more Micke!
At 16/1/06, Reluctant Nomad said…
Don't stop! More!
At 16/1/06, rhino75 said…
Ok, I'll go along with the boys and encourage you (I like the sound of Lieutenant Imbert) but just remember I've read "Querelle" and seen "Beau Travail" - all plagiarism will be punished!
At 17/1/06, Frog with a Blog said…
As usual Rhino is skepical of my stories. But reading the rest of the story, see how unglamorous and unsexy it is, should make you believe me for once... you naughty ice queen!
At 17/1/06, rhino75 said…
Not at all, hon, no scepticism on my part. Just like to keep you on your toes :))
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