Why, when I'm here, does it suddenly erect? Oh I see, it's the Mickelino effect!


Tuesday, December 13

What am I thinking about?


  • At 13/12/05, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    You have that Devilish look in your eye!

    The caption for the Photo should read:

    "If I do the Mary Tyler Moore thing right now, will that make me EXTRA Gay?"

  • At 14/12/05, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…

    So THAT's what the frog with a blog looks like! :-)

    If I wasn't so shy, I'd have winked there!

  • At 14/12/05, Blogger Frog with a Blog said…

    I see that Nomad isn't that reluctant after all and does travel around a bit! But don't be shy and DO wink! We frogs love winking roast-beefs...

  • At 14/12/05, Blogger Frog with a Blog said…

    Rob! and me who was acting really butch and all... I was actually doing a Sarah Jessica Parker not a Mary Tyler Moore!

  • At 16/12/05, Blogger Reluctant Nomad said…


    By the way, do you know that the Portuguese also refer to the English as 'bifes'? Well, I assume they do as the Portuguese in Mozambique used that term for South Africans.

    *another wink*

  • At 19/12/05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tu penses que Bruno est trop lent pour faire la mise au point et que tu as froid et que tu es sûr que les gens vont penser que tu te la pètes avec ton écharpe multicolore... mais tu es trop content d'avoir un bus londonien d'hier toi, puisqu'ils vont bientôt disparaître et cela prouve que tu es bien à London !!!

  • At 19/12/05, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    Ah... Sarah J. Parker!

    My bad :)


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